9th Grade - 12th Grade
“The world doesn’t care what you know. What the world cares about is what you do with what you know.”
Tony Wagner
Author of ‘The Global Achievement Gap’
When students arrive at Martinsville High School, they can take several avenues towards continued enhancement of knowledge and interest in STEM disciplines. Students may participate in dual enrollment at Patrick Henry Community College, hop on the Health Occupation Science Career pathway, and more. Through purposefully crafted courses, paid or unpaid internships, and relationships with business and community partners, many students graduate with industry certifications, Associate’s Degrees, and an invaluable skill set. Our graduates are truly college and career ready.
Example programs for ninth through twelfth grade students:
Grades nine through twelve can participate in an Explorations in Engineering class, which involves partnership with the Patrick Henry Community College Fab Lab
Grades eleven and twelve can participate in the Advanced Films Technology Career Studies Program offered through Patrick Henry Community College and the Center for Advanced Film Manufacturing.
Grades eleven and twelve can participate in the Academy of Engineering and Technology (AET) program through New College Institute and Virginia State University. This program occurs on the New College Institute’s campus, with shared faculty from Virginia State University, New College Institute, and Martinsville City Public Schools
Grades nine through twelve can participate in robotics and programming classes, as well as a robotics competition team supported by Mid-Atlantic Broadband Communities Corporation
Eleventh and twelfth grade students enrolled in robotics courses can earn dual enrollment credit through James Madison University
Students enrolled in technology classes participate in the Virginia Coding Competition, in partnership with Virginia Advanced Study Strategies
Reinforcement of math skills through a three-year research partnership with Virginia Tech
Through the Career Connections (C2) program, students may participate in a dual enrollment and/or industry credentialing program on campus at Patrick Henry Community College. Students may choose programs in Computer Aided Drafting & Design, Building Trades, or the Service Industry